a - z指数



停车许可证可以购买 8月1日 为即将到来的学年做准备. 去年的许可证将于8月31日到期.

学生和员工必须登记车辆, motorcycles and 摩托车 online before obtaining a permit to park on campus.

上课第一周的营业时间, annual permits are available for pick up on the first floor of the Administration Building.

所有许可证(年度、临时、旅游等).) are available for pick up at the 大学警察 Department in the Support Services Building on College Park Drive 24 hours a day, 一周7天.


所有停车许可证将于8月31日到期. The cost of the parking permit differs depending on the date it is purchased. Students and employees only need to purchase a parking permit once a year.

许可证 秋天 春天 夏天














We welcome all 游客 to campus and request 学生 and employees obtain a parking pass for their 游客 before they arrive on campus. 访客被定义为任何不是当前学生或员工的人. Free visitor permits are available at the 大学警察 Department 24 hours a day, 一周7天.

Prospective 学生 and their family can obtain a free visit day permit at the Mabel Cook Recruitment and Visitor Center.

Northwest employees and organizations may request an e-permit for large groups parking on campus at police@promarketlinks.com.



Northwest 大学警察 Officers enforce violations of Missouri’s general motor vehicle laws and University traffic policies that occur on campus property.

A 澳门网上博彩官方网站 parking permit is required to park on campus. The purchase and display of a valid parking permit does not guarantee a specific parking space. It is the sole responsibility of the vehicle driver to locate a valid parking space. These regulations are applicable to all members of the University community, 其中应包括, 但不限于, 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 游客, 和供应商.

交通 and 停车 enforcement is conducted 24 hours a day, 一周7天, 一年365天.

A. 一般

  1. 车辆被定义为自行行驶的车辆, 电动和/或燃气驱动, 在道路上使用. 车辆必须遵守州和校园的规定.
  2. All vehicles utilizing University parking facilities must properly display a current Northwest parking permit. The registered owner of the vehicle is responsible for any citations issued to the vehicle.
  3. The University shall assume no liability or responsibility for any vehicle parked on campus property.
  4. The owner or operator of a disabled vehicle must notify the 大学警察 Department immediately or the vehicle is subject to be towed and/or ticketed at the owner’s expense. Disabled vehicles which create a 安全隐患 must be moved immediately. Disabled vehicles that do not create a 安全隐患 must be moved within 24 hours.
  5. 任何会造成滋扰的车辆维修, 安全隐患, 不得在校园内进行或造成财产损失. 违规者将被吊销停车特权和许可证.
  6. Commuter 学生 or employees who wish to register more than one vehicle shall be issued a hang tag. 不会发出多个许可证, 除了摩托车, 摩托车, 和/或公寓许可证持有人.
  7. Anyone who needs temporary parking for a trailer should contact 大学警察 to make appropriate arrangements.
  8. 红色路缘和/或标志表示装载区. 所有装载区都有15分钟的停车限制. 漆成黄色的路缘是禁止停车的. Docks are not for general loading and unloading; they are designed for commercial deliveries.
  9. Warning violations for “failure to properly display a permit (hangtag or decal),"未能报告更换车辆,” and “failure to register or display a permit” are issued the first 3 days of class each semester. 所有其他违反交通和停车规定的行为都将被强制执行.
  10. A Northwest parking permit is required in order to utilize University parking facilities.
  11. 一辆车辆只能登记一人.
  12. Utilizing personal vehicles for University business is prohibited unless approved by the authorized department lead.
  13. There are 6 locations for charging electric vehicles on campus in lots 20 and 59. Non-electric vehicles are prohibited from parking in these designated spaces.

B. 游客

  1. A visitor is a campus guest who is not a current student or employee of the University.
  2. 访客可将车停在任何访客处, 居民, 通勤, or 教师/工作人员 parking space on campus after obtaining and displaying a visitor permit on their vehicle.
  3. Visitor parking permits are available at the 大学警察 Department in the Support Services Building on College Park Drive 24 hours a day, 一周7天, 一年365天.
  4. Events on Campus: hosts and coordinators can obtain a visitor permit for a visitor through the 大学警察 Department with the visitor’s name, 车辆信息和联系信息. 如有大批访客,可向下列机构申请电子许可证 police@promarketlinks.com 至少在活动前两周.
  5. Visitor parking permits are valid for a maximum of three (3) days unless otherwise specified by 大学警察.

C. 车辆操作

  1. 遵守所有校园交通和停车标志. 张贴的标志取代本书面政策.
  2. The maximum speed limit on campus is 20 mph and 15 mph in parking lots unless otherwise posted. 违规者将受到大学的引用.
  3. State and city motor vehicle and traffic laws are included in the University’s motor vehicle regulations governing the use of vehicles on the University’s campus.
  4. No one is permitted to drive around or over any barricade erected to control traffic or parking, 或者改变, 破坏, 拆除或毁坏任何交通或停车控制装置.
  5. A vehicle operator shall comply with instructions given by a 大学警察 Officer (voice, 手势, 或吹口哨).
  6. 车辆不得逆行停放. Vehicles may not drive on sidewalks unless approved by 大学警察.

D. 停车区域

  1. Resident student parking is permitted only in areas designated as “居民 student parking.“这些地区需要居民停车许可证. 居民被定义为分配到大学宿舍的学生.
  2. 住户停车位从上午12点开始预留.M. 至五点钟.M. 每天. A 居民 or visitor permit is required to park in parking lots and spaces designated for 居民s.
  3. Commuter student parking is permitted only in areas designated for “通勤 student parking.“在这些地区需要出示许可证. A 通勤 student is defined as a student who resides off campus and commutes to the University for classes.
  4. 教职员工和通勤学生停车被限制7a.m.–5 p.m.,星期一至星期五,除非另有通告.
  5. Faculty and 工作人员 parking is permitted only in areas designated as “Faculty and 工作人员 parking.“在这些地区需要教师/员工许可证.
  6. Only vehicles with a state issued handicapped reserve license plate or hang tag shall park in designated physically disabled spaces. 西北停车许可证也是必需的.
  7. 任何车辆不得出示超过一张的西北停车许可证, 除非业主住在西北公寓.
  8. 停车 spaces designated for specialty permits (Res Life, Service Vehicles, etc.)每天24小时,每周7天,一年365天.
  9. Motorcycles and 摩托车 shall park in areas designated by signage and lot striping. Motorcycles and 摩托车 must display a valid Northwest parking permit to park on campus.
  10. Forest Village Apartments (Lot 32) prohibits parking between midnight and 5 p.m. 每日一次,除非地段内的指示牌另有说明.

E. 限制停车

  1. Northwest parking lots and spaces may be restricted for University events and/or other purposes. (例如,59号拍品仅限于在主场进行足球比赛.)
  2. All vehicles not moved from restricted parking lots or spaces within the allotted timeframe may be cited and towed at the owners’ expense.

F. 许可证

  1. 所有西北地区的停车许可证可在收银处获得, 位于行政大楼111室. Temporary and visitor parking permits are available at the 大学警察 Department in the Support Services Building on College Park Drive 24 hours a day, 一周7天, 一年365天.
  2. 所有的学术许可在每年的8月31日到期.
  3. Temporary parking permits are available for valid permit holders who parks an unregistered vehicle on campus. 临时许可证的有效期最多为两(2)周. 如果需要延期,请联系大学警察.
  4. 停车许可证如遗失或被盗,恕不退款. The permit owner shall be responsible for purchasing a replacement permit. 失去了 or stolen permits shall be reported immediately to 大学警察. Failure to properly report a lost or stolen permit may result in the owner of the permit being responsible for any or all citations issued to the permit.
  5. No one shall register a vehicle on campus belonging to another individual without permission of the legally registered owner of the vehicle.
  6. A parking permit shall only be displayed on the vehicle to which it is registered.
  7. 停车 permits not properly displayed in the vehicle shall be subject to citation for failure to properly display a permit.
  8. Students who work part-time for the University as 工作人员 members are not eligible for a 工作人员 permit.

G. 特别许可

  1. Anyone who is not a University student or employee who uses on-campus services for more than three (3) days may purchase a non-academic parking permit. 请拨打660联系UPD.562.1254查询详情.
  2. All vendors and contractors are required to register their vehicles and obtain a parking pass at the 大学警察 Department.
  3. University parking facilities are restricted to use by those who participate in University functions, 校园内的活动或业务.

H. 在车辆内展示许可证

  1. Decal (sticker) parking permits are to be completely affixed to the lower portion of the passenger side windshield in plain view, 允许编号可见, 还有它自己的粘合剂.
  2. Hangtag parking permits will be displayed on the rearview mirror of the vehicle with all information clearly visible through the front windshield.
  3. Motorcycle and scooter permits are to be affixed in plain view, with the number visible.

I. 补领停车许可证

  1. A permit holder who becomes ineligible for parking privileges must remove the permit and provide it to 大学警察.
  2. 在转移车辆时, 才会发出免费换领许可证, 旧的许可证必须在出纳处出示. 如你因任何原因无法取回许可证, any of the following will be accepted as proof the permit is not recoverable:
    1. 一份销售单据副本
    2. 产权转让
    3. accident report indicating the windshield was damaged or the vehicle was totaled
    4. 其他适当的文件

J. 缴付罚款

  1. 罚款 shall be paid online or at Account Services in the Administration Building.
  2. 所有发出的罚单均须结算.
  3. 未能支付罚款可能导致成绩单被扣留, 类注册, 和/或正式的收集工作.

K. 上诉过程

  1. 如果车辆操作员收到错误的传票, they may appeal the citation to the 交通 and 停车 Appeals Committee by completing the online form at xryj.promarketlinks.com/police/forms/. The appeal must be submitted within five (5) days of the citation issue date. 迟来的上诉不予考虑. The 交通 and 停车 Appeals Committee will communicate decisions via email.
  2. 如果登记车主收到错误的传票,
    他们可以在网上填写账单投诉表格 xryj.promarketlinks.com/police/forms/. The form must be submitted within five (5) business days of the bill date. 迟交的表格可能不予考虑.

L. 撤销

  1. The 大学警察 Department may suspend or revoke a driver’s parking privileges when violations exceed 12 during the permit year (Sept. 1-Aug. 31).
  2. All revocations made by the 大学警察 Department shall be effective for the remainder of the permit year in which the revocation order is issued, 或者如前所述.
  3. Student Affairs may revoke parking privileges through the Student-Faculty Discipline Committee.
  4. Payment or appeal of any traffic citation does not exempt one from the standard revocation procedure.

M. 拖曳和固定政策

  1. 车辆可因下列原因被拖走或停放:
    1. 在许可证被吊销后在校园内停车
    2. accumulation of 12 or more violations per vehicle within the permit year
    3. 堵塞消防通道或消防栓
    4. 妨碍行人或交通车道或制造危险
    5. 废弃的汽车
    6. 阻塞装载区
    7. 阻塞或妨碍除雪的
    8. 将车停在残疾人专用区域
    9. 将车停在预留或封闭的区域
    10. 没有正确显示校园注册
    11. when 大学警察 personnel deem towing or immobilization necessary for safety, 保安或任何校园运作

N. 交通执法

  1. 大学警察 Officers will enforce violations of Missouri’s general motor vehicle laws and University policy that occur on its campus roads in accordance with Missouri Revised Statutes, HB 307, 部分174.703.2, 174.709和174.712, Such violations will have the same effect as though such had occurred on Maryville city streets. Citations will be issued and collected upon through Northwest and the Missouri Division II court.



1. 把车停在残疾人专用车位上 $100
2. $100
3. 将车停在消防栓旁或消防车道上 $50
4. 在草地上停车 $50
5. 拆卸、改变或毁坏停车控制装置 $50
6. 停车会造成安全隐患 $50
7. 在“禁止停车区”(黄线或路边)停车 $30
8. 在公路或人行横道上停车 $50
9. 停车在路边或人行道上 $50
10. 没有正确展示许可证(吊牌或贴花) $30
11. 未报告更换车辆 $30
12. 装货区停车 $30
13. 将车停在预留区域 $30
14. 未能登记或显示许可证 $30
15. 其他 $30


16. 不遵守交通管制设备 $50
17. 在单行道上走错了路 $50
18. 粗心大意的驾驶 $50
19. 超速行驶 $50
29. 其他 $50